Living a healthy lifestyle is vital for people of all ages but it can be even more important to focus on healthy living when you’re in your senior years. The more attention seniors pay to proper nutrition and getting exercise, the better quality of life they’ll enjoy. With this in mind, let’s look at some top tips for seniors to live a healthy lifestyle.
#1 – Get Active and Boost Your Immune System
Being physically active as much as possible obviously has many health benefits but one aspect of physical fitness that often gets overlooked is the fact that the more exercise you do, the more robust your immune system will be.
As well as giving your immune system a boost to prevent disease, let’s list other advantages of getting exercise and being active as a senior:
- Improved flexibility
- Added muscle strength
- Increased bone density
- Better mental health and improved cognitive function
- Boosted immune system
- Healthy cardiovascular system
- More energy
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Improved metabolism
- Reduced depression and anxiety
- Maintain your ideal weight
- Better sleep
As you can clearly see, there are numerous benefits to getting regular exercise. Consult with your GP or a personal trainer about what type of exercise and level of exertion would be suitable for you.
#2 – Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet
It goes without saying that to enjoy good health during the senior years, a nutritious and balanced diet is an absolute must. Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, keep any meat you eat lean and avoid foods that boost bad cholesterol levels. Also, make a point of avoiding foods that are loaded with sugar.
Don’t skip important meals and when you do eat, consume your meals slowly. This will help to avoid digestion problems. Also, limit your portion sizes to improve energy levels, take the stress off your digestion system and maintain a healthy weight.
#3 – Add Vitamins and Supplements To Your Daily Routine
A good idea for seniors is to add multivitamins and other supplements to their daily routine. This will ensure you’re getting enough vital nutrients each and every day. Supplements are particularly important if you’ve been diagnosed as being deficient in a certain vitamin or mineral.
Once again, discuss dietary supplements with your GP or nutritionist, so you know exactly what you need to take, how often and in what quantities. While it’s beneficial to take vitamins and supplements, having too much of a particular vitamin or mineral could have detrimental effects.
#4 – Remain Hydrated At All Times
Remaining well hydrated at all times is vital for ongoing good health. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and especially when you are doing any form of physical activity or exercise. Steer clear of flavoured drinks as much as possible as many of these drinks can actually cause dehydration, along with adding a higher intake of sugar and artificial colours and flavours to your diet.
#5 – Exercise the Mind, Not Just the Body
While exercising the body is important for both physical and mental health, seniors should also strive to engage in activities that actively target and stimulate the brain. These mental activities help to stave of conditions such as dementia and will also go a long way toward maintaining a sharp and intelligent mind.
Doing things like crossword puzzles, playing board games, reading, watching educational videos and TV shows, writing and other cerebral activities are all beneficial. You could even focus on learning a new hobby or even studying a new language for improved cognitive function.
#6 – Stay Away From Sick People
The immune system of even a healthy senior tends to be lower than that of a younger person, so if you know of someone who is currently down with an illness, it’s wise to keep your distance until they have fully recovered. There is a much greater chance of catching an illness when in the senior years.
While on the subject of disease, one way you can help avoid infections of any kind is to make a point of washing your hands regularly with an anti-bacterial soap. Carrying hand sanitiser with you wherever you go is also a good idea.
#7 – Manage Stress and Get Plenty Of Rest
Managing your stress levels as a senior is also very important. Too much stress and anxiety can lead to high blood pressure and other health concerns. Find time each day to simply chill out and clear your mind. It might also pay to start meditation classes or something else designed to teach you how to relax and manage stress.
Getting enough rest is another priority. This includes an adequate amount of restful sleep each night, along with taking time out during the day to give your body and mind a chance to recover after physical activity and daily tasks and chores.
#8 – Visit Your GP For Regular Physicals
Having a physical and check-up annually or even more frequently will help you to stay on top of your health and fitness goals during the senior years. Any potential issues can be diagnosed early this way and you’ll be able to take measures to either reduce or prevent health problems.
For example, things like high blood pressure and diabetes will be detected during a physical and when treated early on, the severity of these conditions can be greatly reduced.
The Takeaway
There are many things seniors can do to improve their health and live longer with a high quality of life. Pay attention to healthy living each and every day and fully enjoy your senior years. A great life starts with good health.
